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Why Every Golfer Needs Strength Training fairport ny fairportny golf golfinjury golfpain golfperformance golfphysicaltherapy golfrehab golfrochester golftips rochestergolf Jan 24, 2022

 While many people don’t think that golf is a sport that creates a lot of stress on the body, we  would beg to differ. For those who play golf year round, or if someone is trying to cram as many rounds as they can before the cooler weather arrives, this can sometimes create more stress than the body...

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Why You're Still Struggling With Injuries From Golf fairportny golf golfinjuries golfinjury golflowbackpain golfpain golfperformance golfphysicaltherapy golfrehab golfrochester rochestergolf rochesterny rochesterphysicaltherapy Jan 10, 2022

Remind me if you've heard or experienced this before. As you go through the golf season, you start dealing with some pain that is manageable while playing, but it progressively gets worse. You play it off as nothing, but it continues to get your attention every time you play. Fast forward to the end...

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